My pooch is getting older. He's now 9 months old, and over 30kg... gone are the days of a 3 month old 13kg staffy cross something...
However Im getting the itch. Walks really don't cut it for the "little" bloke - as much as I walk him every day, without fail, and he LOVES it, I can tell that both he and I would just love to go for a run.
They say you're not supposed to run with puppies until they're 12 months old right... however Im quite convinced of the fact that he runs himself ragged, and would deadset run circles around my injury riddled body.
Im seriously getting the itch. I want to take my pup out for a run, nothing long - I can't manage it physically - but just a k or two... would that be so bad?? :-)
Scratch away Suey... scratch away!