Monday, May 3, 2010


Right, so to be completely blunt I have been the slackest of slack on this front... its terrible of me, but Im just going to have to suck it up and realise that I need to do better.

As it seems I haven't written since January....

I could go back and start all over, but you don't want to hear that, and to be blunt, I don't have the time!

So, something to share. Given that I am injured at the moment, I have been doing things really really intermittently. I do want to pass on a couple of things for those people out there who are in the same boat!

I know, and we all probably do, that motivation becomes really tough when you have a long term injury. I keep getting wonderful invitations to run this, ride that, play here, go there for sport. I love them all, and have to keep ignoring, saying no and deleting. It sucks.
I see registration dates coming and going and I see me not able to participate all due to a stupid ankle injury.

However, I suppose there are a couple of things which I have taken to doing while injured and battling on to still do what I love, and I think they are something which will continue on past this time once I am again fit and well.
  1. I made a new years resolution to complete a food and exercise diary for 1 year. My christmas present of a runners world subscription (yes it does tease me...) came with a food & exercise diary. Each day I fill in everything I ate for the day, I take my resting pulse, and I write down my day's exercise. Twice a week I get on the scales... this can be scary, but its a great tracking tool!
  2. I religiously wear my Linebreak compression gear whenever I do exercise. I am a perfectionist when it comes to my recovery as well. I find that wearing my compression gear, and ensuring that I do stretch, and I do ice (love hate relationship here...) means that I can do at least some of the things I still love. It is for this that I am forever grateful.
I came to Linebreak as an athlete with dreams, aims and ambitions. Marathons, IronMan races and more, and they all came to a skidding halt when I found out my ankle needed a full reconstruction, a ganglion removal and an arthroscopy and clean-out. However it is now due to Linebreak compression gear that those goals remain in place, and that those dreams remain alive for the short term, and that I can keep my now long term goals as realistic, tangible and achievable.

Don't give up on what you do, hurdles are placed in your path not only to frustrate you, but also to make you a stronger, better person in the long term. Use them to your advantage and ensure that you own them, they don't own you!