Sunday, August 30, 2009


Ahhh... so, back to training for basketball this weekend. I was apalling! Frustrating cannot begin to describe how I played, and what was going on around my head. Every single shot hit the front of the ring, every pass was about 1/2 a second too late, I could still at the very least dribble and rebound. Thats a bonus. Still, that said, I have really enjoyed the break, and to have that amount of time off has done me the world of good. My body is feeling better than ever, thanks to a friendly combo of time in the gym and on the treadmills at work. The one thing which I have been SO grateful for have been my new LineBreak calf guards. Weak ankles mean I end up with really tired, stressed calves and these are a saviour. They help my recovery like you wouldn't believe.

With games starting back soon, I will be playing until my ankle gets its reconstruction done, so I was back to training this weekend. Its a bit odd knowing I will be playing until some completely indescript time. I see the surgeon Friday so Im hoping the doc (do surgeons get referred to as the doc?) will be able to get things moving fast.

So I might get in a few shooting sessions during lunchbreaks this week. I tell you, I frustrate myself more than any coach or player on my team could ever frustrate me.... Im not always sure carrying high expectations is a good thing. Its good for me, but when I don't do as well as I know I can, should or am.......
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