So despite weighing up how bad this could possibly be, with scenarios running through my head of bonking half way up a hill, not yet even at the half way point.... it wasn't so bad. In fact not only that, it was well... enjoyable. (Ssshhh its our secret hey?)
The boys wanted to do an 80km ride, up hills, a long way from home. The furthest I had ever previously gone is 60km and that was flat! I had spent 3 weeks off my bike.... you can imagine my hesitation.
So cutting a long story short - I decided to suck it up and give it a bash. As it turns out, Gorge Rd was just a beautiful ride. We managed to dodge the awful weather from the weekend - even getting outselves some sun, we managed a tailwind up and a headwind down (ah- thank you!!) AND managed all 75.29km of it.
A sense of achievement - yes. Sore shoulders - also yes. Compression gear afterwards - hell yes. Do it again?? Of course!
So this is the ride:
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